Claiborne Walks Across Tennessee is a team-based walking program. The teams are encouraged to cumulatively walk the equivalent of the length of Tennessee (about 500 miles) or more, over a six-week period. Team members do not have to walk together. Some may prefer to walk outside, while others walk on a treadmill. The team who walks the farthest “across Tennessee” will win, but everyone who participates will take home a healthy habit – walking for fitness.
Contact Information
Carol Brandon
Extension Agent III
Phone: (423) 626-3742
Email: cbrandon@utk.edu
Getting Started:
Step 1:
– Form a team of up to 8 members.
– Choose a team member to be your team captain. The team captain will register your team and submit your weekly reports.
Step 2:
– Team Captain will fill out a team registration form below.
– Registration begins Monday, September 26, 2022
– Registration deadline is Friday, October10, 2022
– Click on the link to register: Register
Step 3:
– Click to to Report
Weekly Mileage (only team captains complete this)
– Use the Mileage Calculator to calculate in activity!
Mileage Calculator
Walking Challenge!
- Monday, October 10 – Sunday, November 20, 2022
Reporting Deadlines:
- Team Captains will report mileage for their team each Wednesday by noon via “Weekly Mileage Reporting Form” located above. For reporting purposes, the week will begin on Monday and conclude on Sunday.
- Please be advised the final reporting deadline is Monday morning, November 28. Finale is Monday evening on the 28th.
Winners Announced:
- More information on how winners will be announced at the finale on the 28th.
- Prizes: 1st – 3rd Place Team Winners will receive an award! 1st – 3rd place individuals will receive an award!
Printable Resources:
Other Resources:
– Exercise Equivalent’s
– Individual Mileage Log
– Success Stories
With the week three results we have a couple of teams that have walked the 500 miles across Tennessee and are walking toward the Carolina Beach in North Carolina. Everybody is doing a great job and staying active and moving.
- First Place team is Tazewell Aglow Hurricanes with an impressive three week total of 871.5 miles. They are in Warsaw NC closing in on the Carolina Beach.
- Second Place is We Got Sole with a wonderful three week total of 531 miles. They are moving through Haywood County NC in Canton.
- Third place is the Blue Top Trotters with another wonderful week three total of 499.9 miles. They are on the Tennessee/North Carolina border ready to make their way toward the Beach.
- The CAC Steppers are still in 4th Place with a three week total of 353.54 miles. Moving they are in Kingston TN.
- Sycamore Valley FCE group is in 5th place moving on at a steady pace. With 343.9 miles they are in Rockwood TN.
- Sixth place is Red Hot Chili Steppers with a two week total of 277 miles they are in Baxter TN.
- Seventh Place is Tazewell Aglow Warriors with a three week total of 271.4 miles. They are in Silver Point TN nearing Baxter.