Programs educate farmers and homeowners and other agricultural and horticultural producers on the latest management practices needed to solve problems and improve production and marketing.
Programs also help Tennesseans protect the environment and improve the management, marketing, and use of natural resources. For more detailed information about these programs provided in your area please contact the County Extension Office.
Soil Testing
Soil testing information including forms/boxes can be picked up at our office. The cost is $7.00 per sample for the basic soil test. You mail forms and boxes to the University of Tennessee Soils Lab to determine pH and fertilizer needs. Your results are normally returned within 2 weeks.
Master Beef Producer Education
Master Beef Producer is a program that allows beef cattle producers to gain classroom and hands-on knowledge that may benefit the productivity and profitability of their cattle operations.
Gardening and Landscaping Information
UT Extension provides programs to help homeowners and nursery owners with plant, turf and landscape issues. Whether it is planting a tree in your yard, identifying an insect that’s gnawing on your plants, treating a fungus in your lawn, or deciding which fertilizer to use, UT Extension has the knowledge and expertise to help with garden, lawn and landscaping questions and problems. Contact Tom Rison at the UT Claiborne County Extension office for more information on what Extension lawn and garden programs are available in your area.
Private Applicator Pesticide Certification Program
A private applicator is one who purchases and/or uses or supervises the use of a restricted-use pesticide on their own property or anyone else’s property as long as they do it without direct compensation for their services. These include farmers, greenhouse and nursery operators. For further information on this program, contact Tom Rison.
Contact Information

Tom Rison
Ext Agent III & Co Dir
Phone: (423) 626-3742
Email: trison1@tennessee.edu
Questions about soil, gardening or bug identification? Enter your contact information and question below and Tom will respond as quickly as possible.